Aerial Crowd

Aerial Crowd: "Swiss National Research Foundation Project: Aerial Crowd: Populating Mixed Reality Cities"

Period: February 2011 - January 2013
Type: Swiss Research
Status: Ongoing


Most Augmented Reality applications deal with very restricted and constrained environments. The goal of the AERIAL CROWDS project is to take Augmented Reality out of the laboratory and into a real urban environment, where it can be used to virtually add or remove buildings and crowds. Virtual crowds will be customized by selecting from a variety of realistic behaviors and appearances.

MIRALab's contribution

Following items are the main research plan of MIRALab:

  • Rich diversity of population generation will be handled by using 3D body scanners.
  • Postprocess the raw scan data to construct the virtual model.
  • Mesh simplification with different LODs for desired crowd individual generation

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